Sunday, 20 March 2016

HP Grids, Mushroom Countdowns


This build contains two feature requests I had from reddit.

The first one is a system that puts short lines on the screen where the HP bar should be. (As it's against the EULA to read stuff from the screen I avoid doing that to get information for the HP of enemies, but marking predefined locations is perfectly fine) This system only shows up at certain locations (raid boss arenas are configured for now), and each location can have different markings. I have configured HP notches for

  • Vale Guardian (33%, 66%)
  • Gorseval (33%, 66%)
  • Sabetha (15% - for the adds that she spawns, 25%, 50%, 75%)
  • Slothasor (10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%)
  • Matthias (40%, 60%, 80%)

Make sure you set the interface size option in TacO to match that of the game. If you run into any issues with the lines not matching up with the HP bar let me know (critical information here will be the resolution you're running the game at).

The second feature request was a countdown timer for the speed boost mushrooms. This is a handy feature for the Vale Guardian fight.

An update to how these new marker features can be used will be coming later to the how-to post.

Grab the new build here!

Change notes:
  • Added location dependent notches that fit over the enemy HP bar. They only show up at certain locations and can be configured through the hpgrids.xml file.
  • Added HP grids for Vale Guardian, Gorseval, Sabetha, Slothasor and Matthias
  • Added option for auto triggering timed markers
  • Added mushroom countdown markers for Vale Guardian arena

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Salvation Pass markers and Matthias timer


While I still haven't gotten through the first new boss yet, a bunch of nice guys from the Oopsy guild helped me set up markers and timers for the whole new raid wing.

Grab the new build here.

Change notes:

  • Numbered markers for the prison camp
  • Numbered markers for the Matthias wells so you can call them out by number
  • A poison/corruption timer for the Matthias fight. The timer starts when you enter the room and has a 4 second delay on it. It's as accurate as the Sabetha timers are, which turned out to be pretty usable.
  • Markers for the scattered memories achievement

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Slothasor mushroom markers

Hi there!

New raid wing today, and although I don't have a l33t crew to march through it on day one, I do have an update for the overlay for the first boss: Slothasor.
The markers included in this update mark the exact position of the imbued mushroom spawns around the arena.

You can grab the new build here.

Change notes:

  • Added Slothasor arena mushroom spawn markers

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Smooth character tracking


After the last update I noticed an issue where no matter the framerate of the game or TacO, the range circles and the tactical compass seemed to be constantly glitching when the player was moving. After investigating the issue, it looks like the actual data sent by the game client through the mumble link API might not be taking in account some sort of interpolation of the character position while moving. This results in small jumps of the character compared to the camera, and in turn introduces the jitter.

I updated TacO to somewhat combat this issue. I'm now averaging the camera-space position of the character, which does introduce some latency when the camera changes rapidly, but in turn smooths out the larger jittery issue.

You can grab the new build here.

Change notes

  • An averaged character position is now calculated to combat the API problem
  • Changed the range circle and tactical compass features to use the new character position
  • Added hand-editable config option 'SmoothCharacterPos' to toggle character position smoothing on/off
  • Added hand-editable config option 'Vsync' to toggle TacO vsync on and off. It's advised that you do not turn this off, it's for debug purposes only.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Range Circles and Tactical Compass


It's been a while since the last update, for several reasons, one of them being real life, another that there was no content update to GW2 and yet another that the overlay is doing what it's supposed to just fine it seems.
However there was a small spark of inspiration today and I sat down to add two new features:

Range Display Circles
Tactical Compass
The range display circles can be toggled for the following values: 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600 and 1200 range. Their transparency can be also set.
The tactical compass is a compass that follows you around directly, which should be helpful in any scenario where there are no NSEW markers placed.

Both features are turned off by default, you can activate them separately in the Taco Menu.

You can download the new build from here.

Change notes:

  • Fixed a possible crash bug that would sometimes occur when focusing on a UI item
  • Added range display circles
  • Added tactical compass
  • Changed the unit for the fadeNear and fadeFar values to be in inches (game units) instead of meters (world units)
  • Removed the lunar new year marker pack from the package

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Lunar new year!

We have another seasonal event on us, with some minor stuff that can be collected.
This build contains the locations of the firecrackers for the lunar new year.
Grab it here.

Friday, 22 January 2016


This build contains some polishing of the code and a few updates to the markers supplied by default.
Also a much requested feature, an update checker has been added.

Grab the new build here.

Change Notes
  • Removed dependencies to d3dcompiler_xx.dlls - this should increase compatibility
  • The "screen edge herds icons" feature now correctly keeps the sizes of icons. This means the markers will have perspective correct size up-close for a better sense of how far they are.
  • Reduced per-frame CPU and memory overhead of the tactical display significantly
  • the 'heightOffset' parameter for markers and categories is now functional. The default value is 1.5, a value of 0 will put the icon center on the ground (if you were standing on the ground when you placed the marker)
  • GW2 TacO will now check for any available updates. I don't intend to support auto updating as that's problematic (mainly due to the security reasons, and I'd prefer not to go down that rabbit hole), but a simple http fetch of a page of the blog where the current version ID is up shouldn't be an issue.
  • Replaced 'fadeDistance' marker parameter with 'fadeNear' and 'fadeFar' parameters. The howto has been updated to explain the change.
  • 'Reappear after timer' marker behavior has been implemented.
  • Silverwastes chest map expanded to 114 chest locations courtesy of Elycian. The chest markers now disappear for 5 minutes after you pressed 'F' on them.
  • Added locations for 'a study in gold' achievement as well as the location of Herta, courtesy of Elycian.