Thursday, 31 December 2015

Interface size settings are now available

Allright. Last build for this year.
I added the ability to change the interface size from the Taco menu. For now this affects the menu position/size, the fonts used, and the Map Timer. The four interface size options correspond to the ones in GW2 and position the Taco menu accordingly.

Get the new build here.

Release notes:

  • Added interface size options
  • Map Timer now uses the font height to scale the rows
  • Map Timer should now work independent of timezone
  • Less intrusive mouse event handling
And a happy new year to everyone! :)

Hotfix #2

Managed to reproduce the previous issue and fix it permanently. Things should be a lot more stable now with the Taco menu.


  • Fixed a UI messaging error with context menus which caused a bloating of the message queue
  • Fixed a UI messaging error where if a message created another message the contents of the original message could be invalidated (sometimes caused crashes when requeueing the same message)
  • Added Taco icon for the application, as suggested by cylonapplepie - splash screen will come later :)
Get the new version here.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Hotfix #1

There have been some reports of a rare crash when clicking on menu items. I've created a hotfix that should help with the problem until I find a permanent solution. You can download it from here.


  • UI message queue default size increased
  • Changed the Taco menu icon to have an outline
  • Crash log will now output proper build version
  • Reset orphan times in the datafile because it already contained my run for the day :)

First TacO release


There's a new build, and now the overlay has a name! :)

I put in some work on the overlay these last couple of days and made the initial functionality easier to use. Here are the release notes.
  • Added mouse-interactive button to the top of the screen. Clicking it will open up a menu that lets you customize the overlay on the fly. 
  • Changed the way keyboard interaction is handled. Still not final, but should be better than before.
  • Added North-South-East-West tactical markers for the Gorseval and Sabetha fights.
  • Implemented a config system to keep settings between runs.
  • Implemented a window handling system, mostly for future use. The map timer is now in a window that can be moved around and resized if the Window Editing Mode is toggled on. (No mouse cursor changes for movable/resizable areas, the sides of the windows can be grabbed)
  • The following things can now be toggled on and off from the Taco menu on the fly:
    • The info-line
    • The map timer
    • The mouse highlight
    • The tactical display
    • Whether or not off-screen tactical icons are kept at the edge of the screen
  • Added an about window with a link to the devblog
There are many interesting ideas on how this app could help out with raids (location based timers for one), I'm looking into them.

You can download the new build from HERE.

Should there be any crashes, please report them here by copying the generated crash.log file to the comments.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Raid directional helpers

Just a little something we found useful during our raiding. These markers (and ones for Sabetha) will be included in the next release.

Upcoming Features

I'm currently working on making the overlay interactive with the mouse. This will allow the possibilities to expand indefinitely. Here are some of the ideas I had for the future of the overlay, depending on demand:

  • Minimap widget so the pois can also be seen in a 2D view (there's no API to access the state of the in-game minimap, so a separate one is needed)
  • Downloading POI data from the corresponding API and making it visible in the tactical overlay
  • Working together with the Markers guys and being able to access their POI database
  • WvW API integration for realtime tactical information
  • Trading Post API integration
  • Customizable daily to-do checklist
  • Keybindings to toggle individual windows
  • ... ? - all ideas are welcome

Initial Feature List

GW2 TacO in the original release had three major features:

Tactical Markers

The overlay lets you place markers at your character's location in 3D in the game world. You can then see the location of these markers from anywhere on the map. The icons of the markers are customizable (although you need to edit the xml files by hand for now), and they can disappear until the daily reset (the included Orphan map is using this feature).

Map Timer

A configurable map timer is included in the first release, by default it is set to display the HoT map rotation.

Mouse Highlight

The third feature which I found very useful in raids is the full-screen mouse crosshair.

All of these features can be configured and turned on-off.