Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Post data-loss maintenance build


As I noted earlier, about a year ago I had a huge data loss in the TacO codebase that resulted in the wipe of the progress between builds #43 and #47. I did what I could to recreate the code for the open-source release, but I didn't have time to thoroughly test the results.

The releases from yesterday brought to light a couple issues that were lurking in the opensource code, and so today I sat down and went through the old changelogs to test everything once again. In the process a bunch of issues were found and fixed. This new build is the result of this effort.

You can download the new build from here.

Change notes:

  • fixed a crash that occurred when the maptimer was querying the GW2 API
  • fixed global opacity settings being swapped around
  • fixed non-user placed markers being deleted by "delete my markers"
  • fixed minimap offset when GW2 is in too-small-window-scaling-mode
  • fixed crash when reloading markers in TacO
  • fixed API key not querying info when added
  • fixed not being able to delete API keys
  • if an API key is updated with an invalid API key it no longer retains the previous valid key's data
  • fixed marker info text not showing up
  • fixed exit-after-1-minute if GW2 is not found on startup
  • fixed -mumble command line option
  • fixed minimap and map pois ignoring the alpha category property
  • fixed TacO eating too much CPU when GW2 is not running



As expected some issues came out with last night's build, so here's a quick update to fix what was reported already.

The new version can be downloaded from here.

Change notes:

  • Fixed TacO not exiting with GW2.
  • Fixed pois not visible on main map.
  • Fixed TacO icon not lining up with the main menu on first startup.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

GW2 DirectX 11 Beta Support


Quick update: The new GW2 client has support for DirectX 11, which required a minor update to TacO.
Should there be any issues compared to the previous release please let me know in the comments.

You can download the new build from here.

Change notes:

  • TacO now detects the DX11 GW2 window as well
Build 49 is now also out with two changes that fix issues that came from the earlier data loss:
Change notes:
  • Fixed mumble link based API key detection (character list wasn't parsed)
  • Fixed windows toggling on/off not working properly